24 Tricks To Become A Keyboard Ninja

Often struggling with your PC or laptop? Like resentful because of the use of the mouse you are less effective? JalanTikus would love to know your way so Keyboard Ninja ya. Consider the following tips yes.

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Keyboard ninja here does not mean you become a ninja armed with a keyboard. The point here is people who are experts and know the ins and outs of using the keyboard. JalanTikus want to share a trick how you do something (such as copy, paste, new and others), armed only keyboard without having to use the mouse and open-open a new tab.

Here we present 24 tips and tricks on how to become a master ninja keyboard:

         How to Open and Close Microsoft Office documents

- CTRL + N = Create new documents
- CTRL + O = Open a new document
- CTRL + S = Save the document.

- F12 = Save as (save as ...)

 Moving Text

- CTRL + A = Select all (select all)
- CTRL + X = Cut (cut)
- CTRL + C = Copy (copy)
- CTRL + V = Paste (paste)

- CTRL + A + C + N + V = copy all the text and move it to a new document

Move the cursor in the text

- Shift + Arrows (Arrow) = Move cursor to a text document
- CTRL + Home = Move the cursor to the earliest text in the document

- CTRL + End = Move the cursor to the end of the text in the document

Blocking text

- Shift + Home = Block the line of text on the left of the cursor

- Shit + End = Block text on the line of the right of the cursor

Correct Errors

- CTRL + Z = Undo (back)
- CTRL + Delete = Delete the text after the cursor
- CTRL + Backspace = Delete the text before the cursor

Using the interwebs

- CTRL + T = Open a new tab
- CTRL + L = Jump into the address bar
- CTRL + Shift + T = Returns the last tab you closed in browser

Transferring and closing tabs

- Alt + Tab = Locking programs quickly
- CTRL + F4 = Close the windows quickly
- Windows Key + D = Back to desktop quickly
- Windows key + F = minimizes all windows

Well it's a secret so Keyboard Ninja. If you know the tips and tricks, please love ya comment below. Fixed visit Technolygo to know the tips and tricks of interest.

13 Responses to "24 Tricks To Become A Keyboard Ninja"

  1. Nice article, i try to be become a keyboard ninja. LOL.

  2. Nice artikel, that are to make quick :)

  3. Good nice, this article make me to quick.. :)

  4. Nice Tricks I Likes this :D

  5. I will become a keyboard ninja B-)

  6. Nice Trick I Will Learn

  7. Artikelnya bgs, ada trik yang saya baru tw. Thx Backnya gan

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