When Xiaomi announced the presence of its flagship smartphone, the Mi MIX 2S, the company has also revealed the new Mi Geek Shoulder Bag presence. This backpack is promised to be available for sale on April 16th, and it's true the company keeps its promise to start selling backpacks devoted to these gamers. As promised, this backpack is priced at 399 Yuan or equivalent to Rp870 thousands or $60.36
Because it is intended for gamers and gadget enthusiasts, so the design of this backpack has been tailored to a futuristic feel and comes with a geometric mosaic design. With a different design with a casual backpack, of course this will attract attention when you put it on the road.
Because it is intended for gamers and gadget enthusiasts, so the design of this backpack has been tailored to a futuristic feel and comes with a geometric mosaic design. With a different design with a casual backpack, of course this will attract attention when you put it on the road.
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To make the backpack, the company works with 90Fun, which is a fairly popular luggage manufacturer. For those of you who are not familiar, 90Fun is experienced in making smart suitcases that meet the needs of the modern traveler, so the right step if the company brings a modern look to the backpack.
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Mi Geek Shoulder Bag is made of solid matte fabric that is resistant to water splashing. This bag can also accommodate laptops up to 15.6-inch and comes with a special compartment for headphones, sunglasses, mouse, flash drive, and memory card. Unfortunately not known availability in the market other than China.
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